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An established product, the projector is seen on wards, in classrooms, sensory pools and sensory rooms. Many different effects wheels are available and with the option to easily design your own effect using a blank effects wheel, the projector is very versatile.

We offer standard projectors and also a switch activated model manufactured by and available exclusively from The Sensory Company.
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Price £31.95 Net
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Image Of 6
Price £31.95 Net
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Image Of 6
Price £31.95 Net
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Image Of 6
Price £31.95 Net
Image Of Deflector Mirror
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Image Of Panoramic Rotator
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Price £31.95 Net
Image Of Projector Lens
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Price £31.95 Net
Image Of Projector Spare Lamp
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Price £31.95 Net
Image Of Space Projector
Image Of 6
Price £31.95 Net